Bat control and capture
Among all mammals, the bat is the only one that has the particularity of flying thanks to the membranes that join the legs to their body. It is a nocturnal animal directed through a unique system of sound wave emission. Just like spiders, they are also attracted to insects. This is indeed what could bring them into the house. Bats prefer houses with easy access to the attic. To protect yourself from the presence of bats, a check of access to the attic is therefore essential, because the cohabitation between this mammal and humans is not ideal. In order to know who you are dealing with, we present you with a whole horizon on the bat and Delta Extermination’s solutions to dislodge them from your home without harming them.
All about bats to better keep them away from home
Of all animal creatures, the bat is the only mammal with the ability to fly. It is part of the order of chiroptera which has more than a thousand species with a life expectancy that can go beyond thirty years. Already at birth, the young have their baby teeth, while the female breastfeeds them thanks to her udders like all other mammals. There is a resemblance between bats and humans. Indeed, the bones of their anterior membranes are identical to those of humans. On the other hand, the size and arrangement are fundamentally different.
Bats measure between 7 and 15 centimeters in length depending on the different species. Special fact: the ears of bats are rather large compared to the size of the head and eyes. What makes it possible to identify them well is obviously the shape and color of the ears as well as their fur. There are several species of bats in Montreal:
- The great brown bat: it is the most dominant and likely to enter homes;
- The silver bat: it is migratory, but it has already been seen in buildings in winter;
- The little brown bat: this species is endangered. Their females return each year to the same place to lay birth;
- The Northern Bat: it is also endangered;
- The grey bat: like the silver bat, it is also migratory and is the largest species that abounds in all regions of Montreal;
- The Eastern Pipistrelle Bat: it is also endangered;
- The Eastern Pygmy Bat: the smallest in size among Montreal bats and the rarest.
Bat hibernation
This is the period to be feared for homeowners. Indeed, in early autumn, bats that do not migrate look for places to hibernate and make their nest. This is also equivalent to the mating period. Among the different species of bats, there are some that will do it in mines or caves, crevices of rocks or under the bark of trees since they have the ability to reduce their body temperature between 3 and 6 ° to be able to cope with the cold and thus keep their energy reserve. On the other hand, other bats prefer take up residence in buildings and especially in the attics of houses. This is a real health problem. Indeed, bat feces carry diseases such as rabies and histoplasmosis.
How to recognize the presence of bats at home?
To find out if your home is invaded by bats, pay attention to the following signs:
- An accumulation of feces called guano;
- Squeaking and scratching in the attic during the night;
Controlling and capturing bats: is it possible?
Control and capture of bats is prohibited,because most bats are threatened with extinction in Montreal and they have, however, a protected species status. It is therefore strictly forbidden to kill bats that enter your home.
The only possible alternative is to dislodge them. This operation is a bit complicated especially if you are dealing with a whole colony of bats. The best thing to do in this case is to use the services of an exterminator specialized in bat capture to avoid any risks. Indeed:
- The risks of bat bites are real and you can get rabies. It is therefore better to let us dislodge them thanks to our proven techniques;
- Bats cannot be disposed of at any time of the year without the risk of further contaminating the home. ;
- The more bats there are, the greater the accumulation of guano. Again, there is a risk of contamination and it is necessary to sanitize the house with specialized tools.
How to keep bats away from your home?
Summer is the right time to keep bats away from your home. Thus, you avoid that the little bats born in winter die inside the house after the departure of the broodstock who will no longer have the opportunity to return to look for them. The system used is the use of non-return nets. This is a fairly simple method, but very effective.
After moving the bats away, the holes and cracks that allowed the animals to enter the house are caulked. Now that the bats have been dislodged, you will need carry out a decontamination of the house (the attic and the attic). This will clean the air and prevent contamination by spores contained in bat feces.