Control and capture of pigeons
Pigeons are silent destroyers who surprise more than one by their numbers, their droppings and the damage they cause to both businesses and homes. Aware of this, Delta Extermination offers you its anti-pigeon services provided by experts trained and qualified in the field. Read this article to learn more.
Brief overview of city pigeons…
Birds belonging to the large family of doves, pigeons are species that are found in Quebec and around the world. If three of these different species are often encountered in the city, it must be recognized that the pigeon biset comes at the top of the list because of its popularity. Also called domestic pigeon, this bird is easily recognizable by the size of the beak and neck which are usually small.
While its eyes have an orange or yellowish appearance, its lower back is white in color and the legs can be either red or orange. Also, the dark gray color of the plumage at the neck and the wings always gray, but this time with a note of pallor are elements of identification of this pigeon. In adulthood, its length can be between 32 and 37 cm.
Mode of reproduction and feeding of the pigeon biset
The pigeon biset is very prolific and therefore leads a life in a colony. The frequency of laying eggs is about 6 weeks with a litter that varies between 1 and 2. When conditions are optimal, its lifespan can reach 10 or even 15 years.
Each colony can accommodate up to 100 subjects, pigeons quickly divide into several groups to invade urban buildings.
The occupation of these places also facilitates their food consisting in part of food waste from homes, agri-food companies, garbage cans and many others. Not always having the seeds for which they have a certain basic preference, pigeons scatter for food. And in doing so, they not only become health risk factors, but also cause many problems for victims in their path.
What are the consequences related to the presence of pigeons?
Today, pigeons bisets are, without a shadow of a doubt, part of the category of harmful birds and represent a real scourge in urban areas. Taken in isolation, the impact of a subject of this species seems very minimal in the face of thousands of homes. But the problem lies above all in the fact that their way of life is essentially based on the notion of colony. The result is some damage, and not the least, created by them for city dwellers.
The exhibition of buildings and vehicles
With an early maturity that prepares young birds for breeding quite quickly, their numbers are constantly increasing and they always prefer group life. However, pigeon droppings are very acidic and their mass deposit on the exterior facades of buildings (or cars) can exert a corrosive effect. They affect the image of windows, balconies and roofs by covering them with dirt. Similarly, car paintings and stone buildings are degraded.
In addition, the nests set up by pigeons cause obstruction of ventilation or drainage ducts, gutters, and even electrical systems, thus weakening the safety of buildings. On the other hand, they complicate the lives of establishment managers, by attacking employees, by soiling the dishes served to customers in a restaurant for example or by destroying roofs that give way under the pressure of droppings.
Transmission of disease germs
Pigeons are considered disease spreaders. Their droppings contain many bacteria capable of triggering diseases in humans. These are pathologies such as salmonellosis, cryptococcosis, ornithosis and toxoplasma, the manifestations of which may be breathing difficulties or fatigue. In addition, some parasites such as fleas, thumbs and ticks are also dumped into the wild by pigeons. Certain social strata of vulnerable people (sick, old, young, etc.) are thus exposed and the chances of infection are very high when they interact with these birds.
It should also be remembered that the endless cooing of pigeons near the houses disturbs the tranquility of the occupants who, faced with this state of affairs, are sometimes exasperated.
Means of effective prevention against the intrusion of pigeons
If the installation of pigeons bisets in the city is done in the simplest of ways, limiting the concentration of this species can be very difficult. To do this, it is very important to observe some very specific rules in order to keep them away from the buildings.
First, the first behavior to adopt is to eliminate all possible sources of food supply. It is above all the quest of the latter that leads them to invade the cities and countryside. Blocking access to these resources would therefore be a sure step towards the relocation of these birds.
The inhabitants of the buildings are called upon to cover their garbage cans full-time and to dispose of household waste as soon as possible. It is also recommended to ensure the closure of all entrances or crevices likely to promote nesting. On the other hand, when the nests are already installed, it is not advisable to move them and contact with the youngsters should be reduced as much as possible. You can make wire mesh for water sources and anti-perche rods on cornices or flat roofs to avoid pigeon groupings.
However the choice of prevention methods depends on several factors and it is not always easy to follow the procedures safely. Through our Animal Control and Capture service, Delta Extermination then puts at your disposal professionals to accompany you throughout the Montreal area. They are effective technicians who will be able to adopt the anti-pigeon solutions adapted to your home.
In some cases, pigeons are already at an advanced stage of colonization of houses, and attempts at prevention will not solve the problem. It will therefore be necessary to carry out a Control and capture of pigeons through the use of electronic or ultrasonic repellents, poisons, the intervention of electrical cables or pigeon captures. The means are deployed by our professionals according to the cases presented.
Do not hesitate to contact Delta Extermination and our team of specialists will take care of developing effective and sustainable solutions for the fight against harmful pigeons.